The Blog: Steps to Collective Governance

Niloufar Khonsari Niloufar Khonsari

"Collective Governance Is Collective Care"

Published in Common Dreams (December 2022)

“Our workplaces present opportunities to experiment and learn what it actually takes to build a more caring world.”

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Niloufar Khonsari Niloufar Khonsari

Why My Nonprofit Has No Executive Director

Published in the Nonprofit Quarterly (June 2022)

“In 2017, I finally proposed removing my executive director (ED) title. A transformative power shift followed. But my vision of shared power and ownership was not easily won…”

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Niloufar Khonsari Niloufar Khonsari

What is Collective Governance?

“Collective governance is an invitation to create the kind of organization your team actually needs to do its best work and be well. There are many organizations at different stages of developing democratic or collective governance structures. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing.”

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